Toy Boy

1 Jan


Christmas is over and Rafa has exhausted the tree, tinsel, baubles, presents and wrapping paper. He’s had great fun tapping at the cards until they fell like rows of dominoes and checked out every last gift bag to make sure he hasn’t missed anything destined for a special little kitten.

He looked so cute, some of our guests would have happily taken the gift bag with him in it back to their own homes.

Now looking for a fresh source of amusement, he’s discovered Poppy’s overflowing toy basket in the corner and tipped them all out.

Then he has a good game of rough and tumble with each of the toys. After they all have been given a thorough mauling, the basket itself is just as good for playing with. He can even roll around the floor inside it  – as good as a fairground ride.

His favourite toy is the tiger which he loves to toss into the air before he beats the hell out of it with teeth and claws. You can’t blame him – no kitty siblings to roll around with any longer and our grown-up cats Treacle and Zanzi refuse to play at all. He still chases after them mercilessly until they turn and growl at him in fury adding a few angry paw swipes for good measure.

Seeing Rafa with one of her toys Poppy has decided that the tiger is her favourite too, and taken it off to hide in her bed, Funny that!

2 Responses to “Toy Boy”

  1. Linda A Felton January 4, 2019 at 12:27 pm #

    Awww, he’s so lovely, I enjoyed meeting him the other day


  2. Judith Kelman January 8, 2019 at 6:15 pm #

    He is very sweet, and I love his little paws 🙂


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